moka pot brewing

most mornings, all my life, i've chosen earl grey tea for breakfast. it has probably something to do with my upbringing. i was raised served tea at the most awkward times. i previously wrote about my dad's (and he's the one making all the food in the family) obsession about spaghetti to pretty much any dish. in addition to potatoes. well. he has the same idea about tea. it all comes from his family: serving earl grey tea for breakfast. ok, makes sense. serving earl grey tea for lunch. normal as well. serving earl grey tea for different dinner dishes: traditional norwegian meat balls, shrimps and any dish including eggs. only for true enthusiasts. therefore, i've always preferred tea for my breakfast. and until recently, instead of white wine accompanying sea food. but now, i can never trade a good riesling for earl grey. i do them both.

i'm not one of those people who can skip breakfast and rush into the nearest coffee shop (that being JAVA) to have my morning coffee and no food. not most mornings, at least. instead, i have fresh bread, candles and newspapers by our kitchen table. and, now i can surprise my husband with a freshly brewed cup of java bedside. ahwwww. because his moka pot is my new fling!

actually, he was the one starting it, this whole moka pot thing. he's been the grind - and brewmaster in our home for all these years. and we most often only had coffee at night, except saturdays and sundays where i have chocolate after breakfast and need some good coffee. but lately, our daily routine has changed dramatically, because of the moka pot. robert has for as long as i can remember always been advocating coarser grinds. and universal grinds. sort of developed our own house brewing style with a universal grind for all brewing methods, except french press which we never use anyways. methods frequently used for brewing are: melitta, chemex, aero press and now proudly introducing the moka pot. so simple and fast even your impatient wife can make it:

grind your small amount of coffee. use a grind a littlebit coarser than what you normally would consider a filter grind, like raw sugar or similar to what you would use for cuppings. grounds should not clamp or form too well when squeezed. boil water in a kettle. use the boiled water in your moka pot, and turn on the gas. wa-wa-woom: less than two minutes after putting on the water boiler, i have a freshly brewed cuppa!

2 kommentarer:

aeropress is faster. shall we have a race?

24. oktober 2008 kl. 09:59  

of course i'll race you. and win. maybe i can get a grip of that #%/&%!! aeropress too, then:)

24. oktober 2008 kl. 14:12  

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